
  • All the students admitted to the institution will be under the complete disciplinary control of the director & staff members.
  • On admission every students shall secure an identity card shall produce the some on demand.
  • All the students shall procure text books, note books, pen, for their use in the institution.
  • Any absence from the institute has to be supported by an application. It is necessary to submit an application for absence (for reason of ill health a doctors certificate is essential) duly endorsed by the parents.
  • Students are advised not to break or spoil the furniture or notebooks. Anybody found guilty shall be fined as per the cost of damage to the property.
  • No student is allowed to come with any one out sider in computer center.
  • All change of residential address and contact number of the parent’s office should be intimated at the earliest to the office.instiute.
  • Students shall bring personal or academic issue to the notice of staff member in first instance, then to director sir, if unresolved.
  • Use of mobile phone is strictly prohibited inside the class room; centre campus institute will have the right to confiscate the mobile phones in case of any violation.
  • Fee once paid shall not be returned under any circumstance.
  • All the equipment & computers of the institute have to be handied carefully and as per given instruction, if there is any loss, the concerned students will have to pay penalty for the damage.
  • Ever candidate will have to attend classes regularly.
  • Certificate will be issue taking the spellings of the names as per 10th/12th mark sheet.
  • Registration fee and tuition fee is neither refundable nor transferable.
  • Certificates & diploma to be issue only after successful completion of the course.
  • All the decision taken for the sake of students by ZCC will be final, acceptable and binding to everyone.